Saturday, May 14, 2016

"Quiet Time"

I am not really sure how to word this but here it goes. A long time ago my daughter used to listen to a tape that had various songs, poems, scripture readings, etc. One of the songs was about how important it is to have 'quiet time' with the Lord. It said something about how before you do anything else you have to have quiet time alone every day with God.

I also remember certain preachers I used to listen to really stress the absolute importance of quiet time every day with God - like an hour or more. They spoke of having a specific time each day without compromise, regardless of what was going on. Even if company came unexpectedly (or expectedly), quiet time was at such-and-such time, no matter what, and when that time came they would get up and leave the company to go have their quiet time.

This has never made sense to me. I mean, sure it would be nice to have some quiet time every day, and I'm not saying it's wrong, but it almost seems to be a 'work', and I believe it can be. As it was presented by the folks I'm talking about above, I see it as being unrealistic and (probably more important) I don't see where it says it in the bible. I see it putting pressure on some to perform or meet up to some standard that was never meant for them to meet up to.

I see Jesus sleeping in the middle of a raging storm while others on the boat are freaking out thinking they are going to die. They wake him up - SAVE US!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO DIE!! He said, "Peace, be still."

I don't know about you, but my times of freaking out thinking I'm not going to make it don't come at a set time every day. I believe we have the power to have 'quiet time' right in the middle of the worst kind of storm, it's called faith, and if we cannot function without maintaining a specific time every day then something might be wrong. Maybe.

Life is hard enough ... add a cross to it that you have to carry every day, and it can get a little weary. Add on top of that all of the arrows you are trying to dodge while carrying that cross, and it can sometimes seem like you are holding on to a tiny little thread, not sure if you can last much longer. It's an up hill struggle. The storm is raging all around. Peace is there. Joy is there. Contentment is there. None of that makes sense to those who lack faith and love.

Peace, be still.

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