Monday, January 8, 2018


One word ...
This is a relatively new word to me, but it really sums up what I have experienced on my walk with the Lord thus far. First, the definition:

"The amalgamation, or attempted amalgamation, of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought."

Having just recently come off of the holiday season (christmas and hanukkah), this word/thought has been in my mind quite often. Christianity is absolutely steeped in 'syncretism'. How often does the bible say as plain as day something like "learn NOT the way of the nations"? Many times. We must examine ourselves and ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. Is it based on biblical truth, or is it based on the tradition of men? I'll leave that up to the reader to decide. I'm just saying, we must be careful. Of all the warnings in the scripture, this one seems to be at the top of the list.

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